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Kayla Drinkwater Physio (kd physio) is a Dunedin Physiotherapy and Wellness studio in Vogel St, that focuses on a holistic approach.

Come and see our studio which is designed to have you feeling restored and strong in your body and mind.

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ACC/Private Physio 
Online Physio/Coaching

Deep tissue/ Relaxation Massage

Training Programming & Performance.

Mindset Coaching

Breathwork sessions (please inquire)

Release & Restore


Release & Restore 〰️


Kayla Drinkwater has a wide background and interest in health with her main qualifications in Physiotherapy, Fitness instructing, Relaxation/Sport Massage Therapy and Breathing techniques.

Kayla also has a background in personal training, mindset/lifestyle coaching, breathwork facilitation which deepens her approach to individualize sessions. 

She is Dunedin local who is passionate about holistic health and mind body connections and believes clients could have more effective outcomes by addressing the body as a whole approach. 

Kayla has previously provided physiotherapy, and injury rehabilitation with Premier rugby league and Dunedin/Mosgiel Premier football teams over the years and taught grom surf fitness classes. She now provides sponsorship to Volts Cricket.

Kayla loves to stay active getting out in the ocean and a love for surf photography, going for walks, boxing, gym, yoga and teaching her fitness classes. 

Her aim to help with KD Physio is to improve community health bettering people in both their mind and body.

At Kayla Drinkwater Physio (KD Physio) use whole approach to physiotherapy through different modalities to ensure the most efficient recovery/restoration for your body and mind. We focus on purposeful movement, training/performance, injury risk/recovery, mindset and lifestyle, as part your journey because we believe your overall wellbeing is important to get you back to all the things you love doing.



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